Shipping Policy
Texan collection offers a free shipping to their customers for placing their orders over $130.
Dear customers, while placing any orders, please make sure to provide your exact contact number and your address so that you may receive your parcel and the delivery details on time without any issue. Any issue in the delivery of order Due to falsely given information regarding contact or address or other details, company should not be held responsible
National deliveries
Dear customers, please be notified that for now we only offer shipping within the UK. However, in future we are planning to expand our deliveries to international level and in case of so you will be notified so stay tuned on our official website.
All the orders pleased within UK are charged standard delivery charges and are delivered within a time span of 1 to 2 days as soon as your order is ready and dispatched. However, in case of natural disasters or unexpected events, there might be some delays in delivering your orders and you shall be notified about it through SMS or your given email.
International deliveries
For now, we are only delivering the orders within UK as we are based in UK. We do not offer online shipment.
Please note that the time taken for the delivery of the product entirely depend upon the courier service. Standard orders shall be dispatched within one to 2 days of the order, while some of the orders may take more time to be delivered.
Sometimes orders may face delay due to some natural events, or some other holidays or situations. However, you shall be notified about the delays or the delivery timing via SMS. You will be informed about the day and date of the delivery of your order before sending the rider to your given address.
In case of requesting to change the Address given to the courier service for delivering the article you are requested to inform the company on time via email. In case of not informing the company on time about changing any details company shall not be held responsible and no further accommodations shall be provided.
Tracking your Order
Dear customers, please make sure to provide your exact phone number and email while purchasing an item from other website. Once we receive your order we send a confirmation message to your number and email within 48 hours. In case of any issue or requesting any change in your contact information, you are advised to send us the query within 24 hours of your order.
Once your order is confirmed, we will send you a tracking id where you can track your order and delivery process.
In Case of any further assistance, you may contact us or email us at:
Phone: +1 361-666-0699